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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Weekly and termly home learning (homework)

At Shirehampton Primary School we recognise that pupils who have spent a busy structured day at school need time to relax and unwind at home and have an opportunity to play. We believe that home learning activities should be set but should not promote resentment, friction and conflict. Home learning should be meaningful used to effectively consolidate and/or extend what is learned in school.

We hope that children will feel a sense of personal satisfaction in a task completed well and that their efforts will be recognised and praised both at home and at school. We appreciate parental support with this.

This approach aims to support children’s growing perception about their ability to complete a task outside the school environment. It also fosters the skills of independent learning necessary for future life.

You can view our Home Learning policy here.


You can find the year 6 spellings using the link below. We will test our spellings weekly in class and the expectation is that children score 7 or above out of 10.


Home learning (Termly)

Each term we will set 'holiday homework.' That can be found in this section of the website and we will also give our children a copy to take home. Please be aware that every child that completes their home learning will be given a reward towards the end of term to celebrate the hard work that they have put into their learning outside of school. Any homework that is not completed, will be done during golden time or the reward time.




We also encourage them to play TT Rockstars 3 x weekly at home to reinforce their times tables knowledge and increase their fluency.



Children must also read at home 4 x a week and return their reading record on a Friday in Honiara and Suva class. 


Each child now also has access to an online library called 'MyOn'. Usernames and passwords are the same as TTRS. Reading on MyOn should still be recorded in reading records. This will be checked on the system by class teachers to ensure it is accurate. 
