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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Specialist Resource Base - Canberra class

Welcome to Canberra Class!

Mr Robert Holbeche, Mrs Tracy Clark and Mrs Louise White lead the learning in both Kangaroo and Koala classes.






Mr Deondre Hylton and Mrs Michelle Williams support the learning in Koala Class. Miss Cody Leonard and Mrs Nicola Thomson support the learning in Kangaroo Class.

We are all so excited to work with you!




Our class P.E. sessions are on a Tuesday and Friday morning. Canberra Class may also participate in P.E. lessons with other year groups. If this is the case, we will let you know what day this will be happening. The children are welcome to wear their P.E kits to school or bring their P.E kits to change into at school if they feel comfortable. If this is the case, we will let you know what day this will be happening. We have Forest School on a Wednesday. They will need to bring a waterproof coat and wellies so that they are equipped to go out in all weathers. 

For PE, children should wear shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms that are plain and dark in colour - dark blue, black or grey. They should not have large logos on. Every child is given one coloured PE t-shirt when they start the school; subsequent PE t-shirts need to be purchased. The colour of the t-shirt represents the colour of the House every child is placed in: Cheng Ho (green), Estervanico (yellow), Sir Francis Drake (blue) and Louise Boyd (red). Please ensure that if your child is wearing a jumper that it does not have a hood.

Trainers are needed as footwear for PE and must also be a dark colour.


Canberra Class Termly Newsletters

Our termly newsletter allows you to know the key dates for the term, what we are learning and any other useful information you may need for the term.


Term 2 Newsletter

Term 1 Newsletter

If you wish to contact the class teacher in regards to your child's learning, please do so on the class email addresses, these emails are monitored once a week during term time only. They are a useful way to share non-urgent but useful information that does not require an immediate response:


For urgent matters either see the class teacher at the start or end of the school day or contact the school office.

Canberra Class Expectations

From January, we will be starting with our new classroom expectations which includes our behaviour being ready to learn and our uniform being appropriate. Please can you make sure that your child is arriving at 8:50 with appropriate uniform and ready to learn behaviour.


To make sure we have and can learn in a happy and safe environment there are some expectations and rules we have to follow to make this happen.

Ready to learn behaviour looks and sounds like this:

  • Sitting on your chair with all the chair legs and your feet on the floor
  • Hands down with nothing in them
  • Eyes looking towards the front and at the person talking
  • Listening to adults
  • Lips closed
  • Using kind words and a polite tone
  • Asking for help when needed
  • Showing relaxed body language
  • Using kind hands and feet

When we show this behaviour, we are showing that we are ready to learn and in the green zone. When we are ready to learn, we will receive reward time to do things that we like and choose such as playing football or using our Chromebooks to play games.

If we are not in the green zone, that is okay. We will need to take steps to help us get back into the green zone. This could be taking some time out of the classroom in the sensory room, talking with an adult or time alone to self-regulate.

We have a zero tolerance on swearing and being physical with both staff and pupils (this includes play fighting). If this behaviour is seen, there will be consequences to this behaviour. 

This is the Zones of Regulation.

The ready to learn behaviour is in the green zone. It is okay to be in the other zones as adults are there to help keep us safe and try different strategies to help us get back to green. When we are in the other zones, it is not okay to swear and hurt adults or peers. Adults are here to help when children need support.

Year 6 behaviour

Year 6s undertake a training course to receive purple jumpers. When they have been given a purple jumper, it shows that they are a role model to the school and recognise that they are following the expectations and modelling appropriate behaviour. If a Y6 child does not show appropriate behaviour (not swearing and hurting others), they will lose their purple jumper for two weeks. This will be a chance for them to show your adults that they can show the appropriate behaviours to be a role model to others to then earn their purple jumper back.


Uniform expectations

The school colours are: navy blue, white and black

The uniform expectations are:

  • Navy jumpers without a hood
  • Navy, dark grey or black trousers or bottoms
  • White or blue polo shirt or t-shirt
  • Plain black school shoes or trainers (without logos)

Please make sure that your child is coming to school with appropriate outer wear, such as a coat or jacket.

For children not following these uniform expectations, they will be asked to remove the item of clothing and an alternative from lost property will be chosen for them to wear.