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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Use of Restorative Approaches

Good behaviour in school is crucial for top-quality learning.  For this reason, we have adopted the Restorative Justice approach to ensure children learn how to manage their own feelings.

The Restorative Justice approach involves adults working with children to explore the reasons why they behave in the way they do, the emotions behind the behaviour, the impact the behaviour has on others and alternative ways of behaving which can have a more positive result.

All members of staff use a common set of questions they explore with pupils each time an incident of unacceptable behaviour occurs via a ‘Restorative Justice Conference’.  This includes a discussion around how to ‘put things right’ for all people involved. Rather than base this around punishment, a productive, positive action is focused on.

As the main details of any incident are recorded for these conferences, we are able to monitor the impact of this strategy. Alongside the ‘Thrive’ approach, evidence indicates that Restorative Justice is ensuring that our pupils are becoming increasingly skilled at managing their behaviour as they move through the school, preparing them for their future lives as productive citizens.