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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Meet the Governors

Where are the Governors drawn from?

School Governing Bodies are formed by the school’s stakeholders – namely volunteers from the parent body, the local and wider community, as well as its employees ie the Headteacher and elected members of school staff. Shirehampton Primary School’s Governing Body is made up of 13 Governors plus 2 Associate Members. All are volunteers with the exception of the Headteacher who becomes a Governor automatically on appointment.

There are two main types of Governor – of which there are also different categories:

  • Those that are elected – ie parents/carers and staff elected by their peers;
  • Those that are appointed – ie Local Authority Governors (with political and non-political affiliations).

Co-opted Governors appointed by the Governing Body itself plus Associate Members, with limited voting rights, who can also be appointed by the Governing Body to bring a particular expertise to its meetings.

Governors are normally elected or appointed for four years.

Our Instrument of Government, which is what the constitution is called, states that our Governing Body consists of:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor
  • 2 Staff Governors including the Headteacher
  • 8 Co-opted Governors

We also have 2 Associate Members, Deputy Head Teachers, Rich Lohan and Amy McNamee.

The full Governing Body meets once a term and we have 2 committees which also meet termly to focus on Finance & Resources and Teaching & Learning. The School Business Manager, Emma Corrigan, regularly attends Finance & Resources Committee meetings and the Governing Body meets 3 times a year with the Senior Leadership Team for a joint Teaching & Learning Committee meeting.

Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governing Body, Elizabeth Jahn on elizabeth.jahn@bristol-schools.uk