Vision and Values
In February 2012, the entire school community worked together to devise a new vision and a set of values reflecting our aims and aspirations for the future. This culminated in a competition for the children to design a new school logo to represent the present and future of Shirehampton Primary School. The winning logo was designed by Elena Woolley and since September 2012 appears on all school stationery and publications but also is the new school badge. The badge is available on several items of school uniform.
Our vision is Learn – Aspire – Achieve and is underpinned by seven values which now form the basis of every aspect of life in school from behaviour in classrooms, in the playground and throughout the curriculum. These values apply equally to pupils, teachers, non-teaching staff, Governors and parents/carers.
Pupils achieving their full potential, acquiring new skills, knowledge and understanding in a rewarding and safe environment.
A curriculum which creates an enthusiastic learning community and inspires imagination, challenge and risk-taking.
Positive Attitudes
Challenging ourselves with the courage and confidence to develop our learning and taking ownership of what we do.
The self-belief to keep trying and to tackle new challenges in learning and in the wider community.
Showing consideration for each other in an environment where all can learn and achieve as responsible members of society.
A community of learning where everyone is ready to learn and grow because they are valued, emotionally secure and enthusiastic.
Strong, positive and respectful links between pupils, parents/carers, staff and the wider community with shared goals.
"Thank you to our child's fantastic teachers, and thank you to the school - which opens up it's doors so regularly to give parents a chance to be involved with school life."
- Every child achieves their full potential in all areas and develops the skills and aspirations needed to be successful life-long learners.
- Every child makes good progress across the curriculum successfully taking them forward to the next stage of their learning.
- To equip children with the life skills to become happy and responsible citizens.
- Every child to be emotionally well-adjusted; having respect for themselves and others and the skills to develop healthy, positive relationships.
- Happy memories of being valued in a caring environment which creates positive learning attitudes with high aspirations for the future.