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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Weekly and termly home learning  

At Shirehampton Primary School we recognise that pupils who have spent a busy structured day at school need time to relax and unwind at home and have an opportunity to play. We believe that home learning activities should be set but should not promote resentment, friction and conflict. Home learning should be meaningful used to effectively consolidate and/or extend what is learned in school.

We hope that children will feel a sense of personal satisfaction in a task completed well and that their efforts will be recognised and praised both at home and at school. We appreciate parental support with this.

This approach aims to support children’s growing perception about their ability to complete a task outside the school environment. It also fosters the skills of independent learning necessary for future life.

You can view our Home Learning policy here.


Time is precious spent with our children.  At home you can do all things fun and wonderful with them.

Share and read books with your children, our book of the term is 'Elmer' you will be surprised at how much your children enjoy and join in with this story. Some of the children even know the author.

Encourage your children to put their own coat and shoes on.

Encourage your children to eat with a knife and fork.

Count your steps on the way to school.

Encourage them to thoroughly wash their hands.

Encourage potty training, if your child is ready for this step.  Don't forget Nursery is here to support, encourage and help.

Go for a walk and look for conkers, leaves and acorns.

Enjoy those special times together, talking about what is happening.

All in all enjoy the time you have together as a family.


Home links

Each week we will send home (in learning logs) a home link for the children to complete with their parents. This relates to the learning/PSHE activities we will be doing for the following week. This is voluntary but advisable.