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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Communication Channels including our Texting Service & Reporting Absences

"We love that Miss Munton is in the school grounds every morning so it is easy to get in contact and just lovely to be greeted."

Communication Channels for parents

Class emails are to be used to share non-urgent but useful information that does not require an immediate response or reply. They are only looked at on a weekly basis at the class teacher’s discretion. If need an urgent response or reply please use the school email (shirehamptonp@bristol-schools.uk) and mark for the attention of the member of staff you need to speak to.

General letters are used by school to ensure we have up to date information and permissions from parents. For example enrolment form, trip letters, image consent form and local visits form.

Google Classroom is for online / remote learning only which school needs to provide for children absent due to covid restrictions. It is accessed through the class pages on the school website where there is a section (for each class) called Home Learning using Google Classroom (enforced closure and self-isolating).


Whole school newsletters are published fortnightly to share where the school is heading, celebrate success, key dates and whole school information.

Class newsletters are published termly by the end of the first week of each term and contain key dates, information about what topics / areas are being taught that term and expectations for home learning.

Both are published on the website so font size can be made larger with a text message alerting parents to whole school newsletter publication being sent. This reduces the amount of paper that is sent out to parents.

Studybugs app is used by parents to report an absence (illness) to school. It is really helpful for parents to report absences using this app as it puts the information straight into the class registers.

Telephone Parents are encouraged to only use this form communication in an emergency as quite often it is very hard to get through. School will call parents if children are: breaching policy and procedure, to clarify permission for a trip, in case of injury or illness or in an emergency.

Texting service (Teachers2Parents app) is our main communication method to parents. It is used to send reminders, share information, provide an alert to where they can find more detailed information on the website e.g., newsletters, Covid, home-learning etc.

Website is the school’s main public interface and contains all legal statutory information that schools must publish and is available for parents, Ofsted and other interested parties. It provides details of the curriculum children are taught, day to day running of each class and the curriculum content by subject and by year group. It also acts as the window for the online calendar for parents which details what events are on and when they are taking place and shows which parents are invited to; this includes swimming, assemblies, open mornings, trips etc.


The school uses a texting service, Teachers2Parents, to communicate with parents. As long as we have a working mobile telephone number you will receive texts. This service is typically used to remind parents of forth coming events as well as to inform you if a request for a planned absence has been authorised or declined and which after school clubs your child has gained a place in. As there are a limited number of characters we can use in each text we use some abbreviations:  Abbreviations used in text messages       

You can download the Teachers2Parents app from Google Play here and from the App Store here.

As a parent you are encouraged to use the Studybugs App to report if your child is absent from school. Please ensure you let us know your child will be absent as soon as possible and before 9:30am. Our registers close at 9am and if your child is absent and we haven't heard from you, we will contact you so we can correctly code this absence.

Parents are reminded that school expects every child to attend school everyday unless they are not well enough. Please see our guidelines for when your child is unwell for advice. Parents can check the NHS website for further advice as well.


You can access Studybugs here to register and download the app.