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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Math including MNP

To find out how we teach maths at SPS, please click on the handbooks below.

Maths Curriculum Handbook 2023.24

Multiplication Handbook 2023.24

At Shirehampton Primary School, we use Maths — No Problem! in years 1-6. It has been designed and developed to deepen the mathematical understanding of all children.

Maths — No Problem! is a series of textbooks and workbooks written to meet the requirements of the 2014 English national curriculum. The MNP Primary Series was assessed by the DfE’s expert panel, which judged that it met the core criteria for a high-quality textbook to support teaching for mastery. As a result, the MNP Primary Series are recommended textbooks for schools on the mastery program.

At a glance:

  • Singapore consistently top the international benchmarking studies for maths teaching

  • A highly effective approach to teaching maths based on research and evidence

  • Builds students’ mathematical fluency without the need for rote learning

  • Introduces new concepts using Bruner’s Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach

  • Pupils learn to think mathematically as opposed to reciting formulas they don’t understand

  • Teaches mental strategies to solve problems such as drawing a bar model

This maybe different to the way many people have previously been taught maths, but it certainly has its benefits.

   Imagine A World Where Every Child Loves Maths- MNP

For more information, please have a look at the parents videos by clicking here.

If you have any questions about the Maths- No Problem!, please pop in and see your child's teacher.



TT Rockstars and Numbots

For information on how to play TT Rockstars, please read the TT Rockstars Parent Guide below.

TT Rockstars Parent Guide 

Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging program designed to help students master the times tables! Play regularly and watch your times tables knowledge go up and your times go down.

Numbots is an online game that, when played often, will significantly improve your child's number recall, number bonds and their addition and subtraction knowledge. It is suitable from Reception upwards.

Numbots and TT Rockstars use the same login and password details.
If you need your child's login details, please pop in and see your class teacher. Alternatively, please email your class teacher. Email addresses can be found on the class pages.

Please don't allow anybody else play on your child's TT Rockstars account. The algorithm automatically moves the children on to harder times tables once they've proved that they can answer select questions.
If you think your child's times tables are too tricky for them, please discuss this with your child's teacher.