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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Year 4 - Antananarivo and Timbuktu

Term 3 Update

What a busy term it has been for both Antananarivo class and Timbuktu class!

Throughout the term, the children have been thoroughly enjoying our current class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate factory’. As a result, they have been excited to learn about the origins of chocolate, explore how chocolate is made, drip-paint with chocolate and furthermore, write their own set of instructions to finally make chocolate!

We have also seen the children thoroughly immerse themselves into science this term, learning all about the digestive system and taking part in an amazing experiment to explore how different liquids can affect our teeth. This was also combined with the importance of caring for teeth.

After such a busy term, it just remains to say, have a lovely half term and a well-earned rest and we look forward to welcoming you back to Term 4 on Monday 24th February 2025.

Mrs Godfrey and Mrs David.

Your child's eyesight - May 23

It is known that eyesight can change during childhood and adolescence.

The School Nursing Team, recommend that during this school year, if they are not already being seen regularly, you take your child to an optician of your choice, where their eyesight can be tested free of charge. It is advisable that you contact your optician to book an appointment for your child before attending.

You can view the letter from The School Nursing Team here.


Antananarivo Class

Antananarivo Class Teacher - Mrs Rachel Godfrey

Antananarivo Teaching Assistant - Miss Hillar.

Timbuktu Class

Timbuktu Class Teacher- Mrs Rochelle David

Miss Taylor

Timbuktu Teaching Assistant - Miss Hannan.


If you wish to contact the class teacher in regards to your child's learning or for non-urgent information sharing, please do so on the class email addresses:


Antananarivo Class – Mrs Rachel Godfrey



Timbuktu Class – Miss Rochelle Taylor



We will check these email addresses weekly during term time and will respond to all emails that are sent.

For urgent matters either see the class teacher at the start or end of the school day or contact the school office.




Click on the links below to access newsletters. 


Term 4 Newsletter 24-25


Term 3 Newsletter 24-25


Term 2 Newsletter 24 - 25


Term 1 Newsletter 24 - 25



Year 4 will have PE on a Monday and Wednesday. Children will take part in a sport session Monday and skills-based session on Wednesday.

For PE, children should wear shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms that are plain and dark in colour - dark blue, black or grey. They should not have large logos on. Hoodies are not to be worn for PE. We ask that children wear a jumper/sweatshirt if another layer is needed. Every child is given one coloured PE t-shirt when they start the school; subsequent PE t-shirts need to be purchased. The colour of the t-shirt represents the colour of the House every child is placed in: Cheng Ho (green), Estervanico (yellow), Sir Francis Drake (blue) and Louise Boyd (red). 

Trainers are needed as footwear for PE and must also be a dark colour.