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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Peer Mediation

What is Peer Mediation?

The aim of the Peer Mediation programme at Shirehampton Primary School is to give the opportunity to our Year 6 pupils to receive training to be able to resolve conflict in the school playground using mediation. The mediators are to be committed to ensuring the children having an enjoyable playtime.

How do I become a Peer Mediator?

At Shirehampton Primary we give all our Year 6 pupils the opportunity to become a Peer Mediator. We believe our children are ready for this responsibility and have continued to show us year after year how they rise to the challenge of being role models to our younger children.

What does the role involve?

Children in the playground sometimes prefer to ask the Peer Mediators to help them resolve any issues in the playground.

This process would involve two or three mediators sitting in a quiet area of the playground with the children involved and using restorative questions they will have learned in their training to come up with a resolution that all parties are happy with. If our mediators feel it is a conflict they can’t resolve they will ask an adult to support them. Any physical altercations on the playground are only ever dealt with by adults.

We also ask of our mediators to run clubs at lunchtimes, in previous years they have lead art club, Lego club, football and many more. They have always been very popular and help keep our playtimes full of fun.


Support is always on hand for our Peer Mediators and they have designated members of staff to share any concerns with.