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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Specialist Resource Base?

Specialist Resource Bases are specifically designed to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, whilst enabling them to access mainstream education.

Different resource bases cover different needs and our base provides support for children with social, emotional and mental health needs who would benefit from inclusion into the main school for all or part of the week.

All of the children who attend the base will be on roll at Shirehampton Primary School and very much be a part of our school community.

Why do we have one at SPS?

There is a shortage of places in Bristol for children with Education, Health and Care Plans . We worked with Bristol City Council to increase the number of places in both specialist and mainstream schools by refurbishing existing facilities in schools across the city.

Not only are we passionate about providing high quality, inclusive education for the community and Bristol pupils, but we have the space and expertise to support them and their families.

Every member of staff at Shirehampton Primary School, whether attached to the Specialist Resource Base or not, is trained to work with children with social, emotional and mental health needs, and SEND inclusion is central to the work of our school. 

All of the staff employed at our Specialist Resource Base have significant understanding of the principles and values required, when working with children with social, emotional and mental health needs. The teacher in charge, has a passion for inclusion. Their current knowledge and expertise in working with children with EHCPs ensures the provision is tailored appropriately to each individual child's needs enabling progress in the development of their current skillset. 

How are children integrated into mainstream classes?

This will be done on a case-by-case basis and no two children will be the same.

Whilst some children may learn predominantly within the Specialist Resource Base, particularly when they are new to the school, our ambition is for all children to eventually be included into mainstream classes (supported by a Resource Base member of staff) for all or part of the week. 

Each Special Resource Base child is linked to one of our mainstream classes and we will work towards including children according to their needs and abilities. Wherever possible the children will participate in the full life of the school during the school day and will be invited to participate in learning activities, assemblies, whole school events, trips and experiences with their mainstream peers.

Equally, for those children who need a quiet, highly structured and scheduled learning environment, the Specialist Resource Base is a self-contained provision.

Where has it been built?

The Specialist Resource Base is located in the old gym building in the playground. The gym has been modified to create two classrooms, toilets, a shared teaching space / sensory room and a small entrance hall. It is a self-contained facility, sharing the outside amenities with the rest of the school.

Is there a negative impact on the school’s ability to deliver the curriculum?

Governors and the Senior Leadership Team have identified that whilst there has been a loss of physical space, it does not negatively impact our curriculum, particularly the delivery of PE and sport.

We are fortunate to have two additional hall spaces which can easily accommodate all our classes. The PE equipment that was installed in the gym has been relocated into one of the other halls to ensure it is still available for use.

Who attends the Specialist Resource Base?

The Specialist Resource Base is for children in Key Stages 1 & 2 with social, emotional and mental health needs who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (ECHP). Our facility has a maximum capacity of 16 children, and they will come to us via referral from a Local Authority.

Ongoing assessment will help the team around the child and their family monitor whether our provision is right for them. If they have a higher level of need discussions around more suitable educational settings will take place.