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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

How to help your child at home

Learning is all around us! There are lots of opportunities throughout day-to-day life for our children to develop important English and Maths skills. At home, you can facilitate fun activities with your child to support their understanding and develop independence. Here are some of our ideas:

Share and read books with your children. It is important to develop a love for reading. Your child may even feel confident to read to you!

Practise your letter formation whenever you can. This could be through painting, sand play or using chalks.

Encourage your child to be as independent as possible when taking care of themselves.

Count steps on the way to school.

Have a go at helping your adult to add up money in a shop.

Provide them with opportunities to make healthy choices and keep fit.

Ask your child to help you with preparing a simple snack.

Go for a walk and look for different things in the environment (insects, conkers, different leaves).

Enjoy special family time together and talk to your child about what is happening.

Please let us know if you feel your child would benefit from more support with their routine at home. We are happy to provide a range of visual resources (timetables, 'now and next', symbols) which may support them with unexpected changes.

We also have lots of ideas to support your children with managing their emotions. Please talk to Miss Dunmall and we can provide you with individual resources which we feel may be beneficial to them.