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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

How To Help Your Child At Home

Year 2 is an important with the end of Key Stage SATs to prepare for.  Any support at home is welcome.

Reading:  Encourage daily reading.  Ask questions about what has been read. Two books will be sent home weekly, one to share with your child and the other for them to read to you at least three times. First time to decode, second time to discuss and the third time to read with fluency and a readers voice.

Writing:  Encourage your child to write as much as possible.  They may enjoy writing stories or lists. Help with spelling, but encourage your child to have a go.  Give them the time to share their writing with you.

Spellings:  Practise the weekly spellings which you will find on the website.  You will also find a copy stuck on the class window.  Children in Year 2 are expected to be able to spell and use these words in context. We will test spelling on a Thursday and give out new ones.

Maths:  Play number and logic games.  Look at calculations together and allow your child to explain how to solve them.  Pose problem, for example sharing out grapes equally, and discuss ways that this can be done. Use TT rock stars and numbots to practice skills.

Here Are Some Useful Websites:

This website is tablet friendly.  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk        


Lots of tips for parents and links to other useful websites. http://www.nnparenttoolkit.org.uk    


Useful websites for maths:

This website has clear examples of current Mathematical teaching methods for each area of Maths and examples for you to use with your children.  http://parentsintouch.co.uk/Help-your-child-at-home-with-maths

This website has a range of maths games, problems and articles on all areas of maths. Parents of Key Stage 1 children should select ‘stage 1’ and parents of Key Stage 2 children should select ‘stage 2’.  http://nrich.maths.org  








Squeebles - Maths App for children


Useful Reading Websites:

http://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/   Tablet friendly



Useful Phonics Websites:




Reading information for parents (KS1 and KS2):




Books for children to read:


We have signed up to a new ebooks platform where your child can access a range of suitable books on a phone/tablet/computer. You can either access the platform using this address https://shirehampton.eplatform.co/ or by downloading the eplatform app. Each child has an individual log in, which is the same as their spelling shed login. If you are unsure of your child's login, please email your class email address and your child's teacher will be able to sort this out for you. 


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG):

https://roythezebra.com/reading-games/newwindow/capital-letter-beginner-1.html    KS1