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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Curriculum Coverage - What We Learn

The Year 2 Handbook which maps out the curriculum that will be delivered to each child, can be found here:

Year 2 Curriculum Handbook 2023-2024.pdf







The majority of children in Year 2 are set spellings each week which follow our phonics scheme.

Those who are taught phonics by Mrs Sullivan are learning Level 5 and those who are taught phonics by Mr Miller are learning Level 6. The spellings for these groups can be found within the following overview documents as illustrated below.

Please be aware, due to scheduled revision weeks at the beginning of the school year, the number assigned to a week in the overview does not correspond directly to the week it will be taught. However, the weeks are taught in sequence so this week's spellings can be identified by finding last week's spellings.

Level 5 Overview

Level 6 Overview





Year 2 PSHE/RSE Overview - click here

A further PSHE guide for parents specifically about RSE - click here.