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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Parent Council

We are passionate about parental voice; enabling parents to have a say and get involved in their child’s school through forums such as Parent Councils.

A Parent Council is a body which:

  • enables parents to meet, share ideas and feedback to school
  • gives parents a voice and enables them to contribute to school decision making
  • helps develop a partnership between parents and school
  • consults parents and advises school leadership and/or governing body of parents’ views.

Parental voice is key in helping build parental engagement in schools. Research has shown that when parents and schools work in true partnership, pupils can thrive.

"The effect of parental engagement over a student’s school career is the equivalent of adding two to three years to their education" John Hattie, 2008.

The importance of parental engagement has also been highlighted through research by the Social Mobility Commission in its recent publication ‘Helping Parents to Parent:[...]the more involved the parents were in their children’s school life (including volunteering in school, participating in Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) conferences, and teaching at home), the more positive the impact became on children’s performance academically. [...] only a minority of parents in the United Kingdom are uninterested in their children’s education. Instead, the majority may experience difficulty in expressing their interest, something which is identified and acknowledged by professionals" Social Mobility Commission 2017


Our Parent Council meets regularly across the academic year. Don't worry if you can't make every meeting. We would still like to hear your views.

The dates for 2023-2024 are:

10th November 2023

19th January 2024

15th March 2024

21st June 2024

If for any reason staff are unavailable and the session has to be cancelled, a text will be sent out to parent/carers.

We are actively seeking new members for our parent council, so please do get in touch with PC Chair Sarah Trigg via parentcouncil@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk 

or Mrs Nicky Carey, EYFS Booster Teacher via shirehamptonp@bristol-schools.uk if you would like to join. 

The Parent Council is exclusively for discussion of questions relating to the school as a whole. Please direct queries about specific year groups or classes to the class teacher.

To raise a topic for discussion at the next Parent Council meeting, please email parentcouncil@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk

Minutes of meetings will be made available below for those who can’t attend.

 Parent Council Minutes



    Some Past Positive Parent Council Impact

    From discussions about the perceived under use of the school Green Space, we championed the Green Space by creating the Green Space Blog on the School Website and holding a 10th anniversary Species Hunt so the children and parents could explore the diversity and enjoy the space in 2022. 

    After many parents commented on the lack of PTA events in 2021, we worked with the school to relaunch and support a strong, well organised PTA in 2022 .

    Due to repeated incidents of dangerous driving and parking outside both school entrances, we have worked with the school to hold ‘Living Street’ events and helped with a poster competition to raise awareness of better parking and walking options into school. We have liaise with Bristol Council to try to alleviate serious traffic and parking hazards around the school.

    BUT there is still much more to do! Please come along.