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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Physical Education (PE) including Sport Premium

At Shirehampton Primary School, we teach PE using Real PE, a skills based programme where children are given the opportunity to develop their motor skills and a range of personal skills such as how to work as a team and give and receive constructive feedback. In addition, we also spend one hour a week focussing on a game or sport so the children can put their skill into practice.

We aim to provide a curriculum that allows all children to enjoy a range of active opportunities embedded across the curriculum to engage and reinforce the importance of a healthy lifestyle. 

The PE curriculum handbook detailing the progression of how this subject is taught across our school, can be found here. 

Each year we are given a budget (sport premium) by the government to enhance PE teaching and provide a range of opportunities for all children. The sport premium report detailing how we use this expenditure to enhance our provision and sporting opportunities for all children can be found below:

sport premium 2023 24 final.pdf

sport premium 22 23.pdf



If your child is taking part in bikeability please watch this short Video.
