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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Year 3 - La Paz and Rio de Janeiro classes


Hello year 3 children and families.

Below you will find all the information about what we're learning and some key dates for your diary on the newsletter. The newsletter will be updated termly. The newsletter can be found by  following the links at the bottom of this page.

Pictures of the activities that we have done this term can be found below, we hope you enjoy sharing our terms successes!


Mrs Halls- La Paz

Miss Pierce-Jones- Rio




Our PE days in Term 3 will be Monday and Tuesday. Monday will be a PE lesson and Tuesday will be swimming. 

Children should come into school wearing their PE kit to ensure they can get maximum time within their PE lessons.

For PE, children should wear shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms that are plain and dark in colour - dark blue, black or grey. They should not have large logos on. Every child is given one coloured PE t-shirt when they start the school; subsequent PE t-shirts need to be purchased. The colour of the t-shirt represents the colour of the House every child is placed in: Cheng Ho (green), Estervanico (yellow), Sir Francis Drake (blue) and Louise Boyd (red). 

Trainers are needed as footwear for PE and must also be a dark colour.



 If you wish to contact the class teacher in regards to your child's learning or for non-urgent information sharing, please do so on the class email addresses:

La Paz class - Mrs Halls                            lapaz@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk  

Rio de Janeiro class - Miss Pierce-Jones   rio@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk 

We will check these email addresses weekly during term time and will respond to all emails that are sent.

For urgent matters either see the class teacher at the end of the school day or contact the school office.

Miss Halls and Miss Pierce-Jones

Year 3 Newsletters

Please click on the link below to see our year group newsletter. 




2024 25 y3 t3 newsletter.pdf





Term 2 Highlights

 We have had an excellent term 2!


In English we have been reading the book 'How to wash a woolly mammoth'. We have also written instructions based on the theme of this book. Recently, we have written a non-chronological report all about our favourite Stone Age animals!


For our WOW day, we created amazing Stone Age woolly mammoths from milk bottles and decorated them using brown tissue paper. We all really enjoyed this activity and enjoyed learning all about the Stone Age! Next term we will be moving on to looking at the Ancient Egyptians. 


We look forward to another brilliant term in Year 3 and we wish you all a very Merry Christmas!