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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

How to help your child at home

We encourage children to continue their learning at home to develop life-long learners. Below you can find useful information and links to websites to support your children at home. 

SATs Style Questions

10 Minute Tests- Online

Maths SATS Style Questions- Paper to download

Quiz Questions- Online


TT Rockstars- Battle your way and be Top of the Rocks. Your children have their usernames and passwords.

Guardians of Mathmatican- A fun game enabling children to practice their mental maths.

BBC KS2 Maths - Lessons, videos and games to do with everything primary.

Maths activities- A website with maths games.

KS2 Maths Quizzes- Test your knowledge here.

Fraction Maker- Create your own fractions

Decimal Demonstrator- Compare decimals and Fractions


Spelling Shed- Practice your spellings vs your friends. Children have been given username and password

English activities- BBC Link

Spelling and grammar activities- Free online games from Topmarks

Grammar activities - Free online support with Y6 grammar


KS2 Science- The BBC have lots of excellent resources to help your child learn about the world around them.


BBC WW2 Video Clips Our next topic is WW2.

Here are some excellent videos from the BBC. 

MAths no problem

To support your child’s learning, we’re giving you an online version of your child’s maths textbook and workbook- called Parent Guides.

To access MNP, please follow the link below and put in the access code for the relevant year group.

NB: Access is available at any time if you'd like to further support your child with their math's learning at home.


A printer isn't needed in order to complete the workbook- it can be done fully online. Please download the guide below.

A guide on how to complete the MNP workbook online

Access codes

Link: https://hub.mathsnoproblem.com/self-signup/103U9W2
Year 6 Access Code: Please request via class email.


Once you’re signed in, you’ll be able to access maths content for your child’s year group, along with help guides and lesson support.

If you have any trouble accessing MNP- please email your class teacher.

The lessons to complete will be posted below



In Year 6, children benefit from fluency in times tables so we would encourage for them to practise regularly at home.


The children are able to practice using their school TT rock stars login at home. Either on the website: www.TTrockstars.com or by downloading the app onto a smart device from the appstore.


In their Maths SATS, children are expected to complete an arithmetic paper in 30 minutes (36 questions = less than a minute per question!) so children would also benefit from regular practise of their calculation methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Examples of this can be found at: www.theschoolrun.com


To support your child’s learning during school's closure, you now have access you an online version of your child’s maths textbook and workbook.


Maths Activity Booklet

Maths Activity Answers

Times Table Games

The Mystery Of St George Investigation





We would encourage children to write freely at home and practise their range of punctuation, grammar and spellings. 

Spellings are sent home (normally) every week and children should be practising them ready for their tests by writing them into interesting sentences.

Here are some ideas to get your child writing.

A First Visit

The Ascent

Film Review

Letter to your MP

The Titanic


Along with encouraging your child to read for pleasure, here are reading comprehensions that can be downloaded.

Fiction Reading

Non Fiction Reading


Please note that the answers are on the last page of each reading.

Whilst it is important to listen to your child read, at this age, it is also important to be questioning your child's understanding. Here are a list of questions you could use to ask your child as they are reading:

- What do you remember so far?

- What do you think might happen next?

- Who are the key characters in the book?

- Why is (character X) feeling that way?

- Why did the author use (word X) and why?

- Can you find some amazing adjectives/verbs/adverbs?

- Why do you think the character did that?

- What other stories have you read that are similar?

- What period is the story set in and why do you think that?



The website address is home.jasmineactive.com

To gain access you will need a parent email and password which are below:

Parent email is parent@stbedescat-2.com

Password is stbedescat


Children can also find short activities to help them stay active indoors at gonoodle.com and set up a free account.


EAL RESOURCES (English as an additional language)

Keeping healthy

All about EAL

Activate your imagination

The world around us