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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Young Carers

Who is a Young Carer


A Young Carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family, or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol.

Who’s the Young Carers Lead in school?


Mr Maddaford Lead / Champion
Mr Lohan Lead / Champion SLT

What does the school do to support Young Carers?

• Weekly sessions for all Young Carers
• We take part in Young Carers events throughout the year
• Every term we get together to do a fun activity
• Provide lunch time support for home work

Who are our Young Carers at Shirehampton Primary School?

A Young Carer is a child who looks after someone in their family who has a long-term illness, disability or is affected by mental ill Health or substance misuse.
They take on the responsibility normally expected of an adult. There are approx. 800,000 young Carers in the UK.

What type of care do Young Carers provide?


Washing & Ironing
Washing up
Helping to look after siblings
Taking care of pets

Managing bills/money
Cleaning/Helping with medication
Support with dressing
Helping with personal care

Help with washing
Organising appointments Emotional support
Interpreting or signing
Keeping company
Support with eating

Being a Young Carer can have a huge impact on a child growing up. This is why Shirehampton Primary School is working towards the Young Carers in Schools Award to further support our Young Carers.

If you feel your child is in some way a Young Carer at home and could benefit from some support here in School, please can you contact Mr Maddaford or Mr Lohan via the school office.

As a school we work in partnership with the Carers Support centre for Bristol and South Gloucestershire who provide a wealth of information.
