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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Before and After School Care

Throughout each academic year, staff run a wide range of after-school clubs covering children’s wide interests such as languages, sport, music, dance, drama, art, chess and gardening.

Breakfast Club opens at 8am every school day where children can buy for a modest charge a variety of breakfast foods and join their friends for games and crafts. For working parents and those who rely on public transport to get to school we offer a breakfast club starting at 7:30am; more details about registering, and the evidence we require for the early breakfast club, can be obtained from the school office.

Our clubs are always very popular so it is not always possible for everyone who wants a place to get one but every attempt is made to allocate places as fairly as possible and/or to run additional clubs if there is sufficient demand.

The local childcare providers, Lawrence Weston Out of School Activities (LWOOSA) also runs an after-school childcare facility until 6pm in our Key Stage 1 hall.  Please contact LWOOSA for details of places available and charges on 07379 520005.