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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Weekly and termly home learning (homework)

At Shirehampton Primary School we recognise that pupils who have spent a busy structured day at school need time to relax and unwind at home and have an opportunity to play. We believe that home learning activities should be set but should not promote resentment, friction and conflict. Home learning should be meaningful used to effectively consolidate and/or extend what is learned in school.

We hope that children will feel a sense of personal satisfaction in a task completed well and that their efforts will be recognised and praised both at home and at school. We appreciate parental support with this.

This approach aims to support children’s growing perception about their ability to complete a task outside the school environment. It also fosters the skills of independent learning necessary for future life.

You can view our Home Learning policy here.


Use your learning log to record any fantastic learning you have been doing at home. It can be a scrap book of your learning journey through Reception. Practice your sounds, key words, numbers, drawing, mark making - anything at all. We love to see the learning logs full of child led work. Please speak to your class teacher if you have any questions or would like any more information. 


We will upload our sounds of the week here so you can have a go at practicing these at home! These parent information sheets are fantastic at giving you all the different ways to practice our new sounds. See if you can go on a 'sound hunt' and find objects beginning with our focus sounds!


Level 2 s,a,t,p

 Level 2 i,n,m,d

Level 2 g,o,c,k

 Level 2 ck,e,u,r

Level 2 h,b,f,l

Level 2 ff,ll,ss

Level 3 j,v,w,x

Level 3 y,z,qu,ch

Level 3 sh,th,th,ng

Level 3 ai,ee,igh,oa

Level 3 oo,oo,ar,or

Level 3 ur,ow,oi,ear

Level 3 air,ure,er


Here are our number formation cards. These are the rhymes we use to help us form numerals. Using objects around the house is a great way to practice practical counting. Try a 'number hunt' around the local area - see what numbers you can see on doors! This term we will be doing lots of counting practice and exploring different representations of number. I wonder how many steps you can do in the park! 


copy of number formation rhyme cards.pdf

Please click on the links below to access some great resources that we use everyday in class.


Subitising numbers to 10- matching cards
Number shape cut outs
