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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Welcome to Reception!

We are so excited to welcome you into the wonderful world of Reception, where learning, exploration and adventuring takes place. 

Edinburgh and London

 Keep an eye on this page for key updates and information - just keep scrolling down!


Welcome to Year Reception:

     Edinburgh Class

Mrs Selina Smart   (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Victoria Woodland (Wednesday-Friday)

Mrs Rachel Crouch

Miss Carly James

London Class

Miss Katie Evans

Ace Walsh


Reception have pe on a tuesday and thursday. children should bring their pe kit into school so they can get changed for the lessons.

Please see below with details on what children should bring.


For PE, children should wear shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms that are plain and dark in colour - dark blue, black or grey. They should not have large logos on. Every child is given one coloured PE t-shirt at the start of Reception; subsequent PE t-shirts need to be purchased. The colour of the t-shirt represents the colour of the House every child is placed in: Cheng Ho (green), Estervanico (yellow), Sir Francis Drake (blue) and Louise Boyd (red). 

Trainers/plimsolls are needed as footwear for PE and must also be a dark colour. No hoodies are to be worn for PE. 


Get in touch! 

You can contact your child's class teacher using the email address below. Please note emails are checked once a week during term time only. This is a way of sharing non-urgent but useful information that does not require an immediate response.

Miss Evans from London class: london@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk

Mrs Smart and Miss Widdess from Edinburgh class: edinburgh@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk.



Here you can find out key information for the coming term. The newsletter will give you an idea of what exciting learning will be happening in Reception. 

Term 1 Newsletter

YR Term 2 Newsletter

Term 3 Newsletter 

Term 4 Newsletter


Round Up

Here you can find the round up of each term outlining what we have been learning.

Term 1 Round Up 

 Term 2 Round Up

Term 3 Round Up

Reception Wish List 2024 


If you would like to practise anything with your child at home please see the home learning page below.

Home learning page

We also have lots of useful websites and apps on our 'How to help your child at home page.'

How to help your child at home