Year 1 - Barcelona and Paris classes
Welcome to Y1; we can't wait to meet you, hopefully in September!
I am Mrs Joanna Carobene and I teach Barcelona class. Please click here to find out more about me and our Teaching Assistant Mrs Linda Pierce. Miss Natalie Roberts will teach you once a week when I have my PPA time and am out of class planning and preparing your lessons.
I am Mr Nigel Ellway and I teach Paris class.
Please click here to find out more about me and our Teaching Assistant Mrs Kim Collins. Mr Michael Sell will teach you once a week when I have my PPA time and am out of class planning and preparing your lessons.
We have included our class time table so you know what lessons you will have when!
To find out more about what we will be getting up to in Term 1 please see our newsletter: Term 1 newsletter
We have set you a home-learning challenge to complete over the summer holidays and look forward to sharing these with you in September. Find the home-learning here.
We wish you a lovely summer; keep safe and see you soon!