Upper Key Stage 2 - Y5 and Y6
Each class teacher will upload a week of activities for you to do across the week. The activities will be on one document and include a selection of activities from all areas of the National curriculum. These are just for guidance. There is no pressure from us for you to complete every single one.
We recommend children in Y5 & 6 spend, each day, 30 minutes on English, 30 minutes on maths and 2 hours on other curriculum subjects plus 15 minutes of reading and 30 minutes of exercise.
We would encourage you to email completed work or photos of your child learning to your child’s class teacher. It will be marked, and feedback or comments provided via the email address you sent the work in from. Teachers will provide feedback every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday will be used by them to prepare the work for the following week.
Please email your child’s class teacher with any queries or if you would like share any of your child’s learning. We're always on the end of an email, so please make contact with us. Everything that you do with your child will make a difference so thank you.
Yr5: Bangkok class - Miss Sarah Gardner bangkok@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk
Shanghai class - Miss Laura Smith shanghai@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk
Yr6: Honiara class - Miss Mikaela Thomas and Mr Mark Lawrence honiara@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk
Suva class - Mr Richard McNerney suva@shirehampton-jun.bristol.sch.uk
To support your child’s learning, we’re giving you an online version of your child’s maths textbook and workbook- called Parent Guides.
To access MNP, please follow the link below and put in the access code for the relevant year group.
NB: Access is available at any time if you'd like to further support your child with their math's learning at home.
A printer isn't needed in order to complete the workbook- it can be done fully online. Please download the guide below.
A guide on how to complete the MNP workbook online
Current access codes
Link: https://hub.mathsnoproblem.com/self-signup/103U9W2
Year 5 Access Code: Q0CZPW0
Year 6 Access Code: I6S88AD
Once you’re signed in, you’ll be able to access maths content for your child’s year group, along with help guides and lesson support.
If you have any trouble accessing MNP- please email your class teacher.
The lessons to complete will be posted below
Yr5 home Learning
Updated 02.11.20
Good morning Shanghai. I hope you are all well and have had a lovely half term. Below are the links to the work for this week. There is something for you to do each day for Maths and English. I would also like you to write a wellbeing journal throughout the week, this can be found on the PSHE link. It is up to you when you complete the set work for the other subjects but they need to be completed by the end of the week!
Spellings activities can be found at https://play.edshed.com/en-gb
Times Tables can be practiced using https://ttrockstars.com/. Try to play at least 5 minutes daily.
Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday.
Miss Smith
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Mon Pt.1 / Mon Pt.2 / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Yr6 home learning
Updated 21.9.20
Good morning everyone. We hope that you are all well and looking forward to getting back to school on Thursday like we are. Well done to all those people who have set in their work. It has been great looking through all that you have done.
Below is your work for this week. However, if you haven't done so already, please complete the work that was set for last week first.
Keep safe and we look forward to seeing you all on Thursday
Mr McNerney and Miss Thomas
Spellings (complete the work that was set last week) : Week 3
Reading: make sure that you are reading at least three times a week. There are plenty of things to read on the internet if you do not have a book!
Updated 14.9.20
Good morning everyone. Below are the links to the work for this week. There is something for you to do everyday for Maths and English, the other subjects you can do when you like but they need to be completed by the end of the week!
Stay safe
Mr McNerney and Miss Thomas
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Spellings (complete the work that was set last week) : Wk 1 + 2
Reading: make sure that you are reading at least three times a week. There are plenty of things to read on the internet if you do not have a book!
New Home Learning Resources - Updated 10.9.20
Hello everyone!
During our period of being at home it is really important that we keep up with our learning. We will therefore be posting the work that we would have been doing in class on the website so that you can have a go at it at home. It is important that you attempt ever activity.
Below is the main pieces of work which we would have covered today and tomorrow. Good Luck!