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St Mary's Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol BS11 9RR

0117 903 1447


Shirehampton Primary School

Flu Vaccinations 2023-2024

School Aged Flu Immunisation and Vaccination 2023/24

The Childhood Influenza Immunisation programme will be delivered in schools across the whole of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire by Sirona care & health.  

Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can sometimes cause serious complications such as middle ear infections and bronchitis.  By vaccinating children, it not only protects them but also others that are vulnerable to flu, such as babies, older people, pregnant women and people with serious long-term illnesses.  Receiving the flu vaccine has historically reduced sickness levels in schools and workplaces.

This autumn all children from Reception to Year 11 are being offered a flu vaccine as part of the School Vaccination Programme. 

Children are being offered the vaccinations to protect them from flu, minimise the circulation of the virus this winter and to reduce disruption to their education, and the potential impact on the NHS. 

The flu vaccine is administered using a nasal spray.

Please complete the consent form below, indicating whether you wish your child to have the vaccine. If you don’t have access to the internet, you can request a paper copy from your child’s school.

Link to the nasal flu consent form:

Sirona care & health (sirona-cic.org.uk)

Please complete the form as soon as possible, the consent system will be closed 2 working days before the session. The immunisations will take place at school on Tuesday 7th November 2022. Therefore, please complete the econsent form, no later than 9am on Friday 3rd November 2023.

Please ensure you complete the consent form even if you do not want your child to receive the vaccination.

If your child is not able to attend school on the day of the Immunisation session, they can attend a catch-up clinic at a later date. Your school will send out information about these clinics after the school session.

For more information about the Nasal Flu vaccination programme please see Flu vaccination for children: leaflets and posters - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

If your child is unable to accept the nasal flu vaccine due to the porcine gelatine content or due to immunosuppression we are able to offer an IM Flu injection at a community clinic, to book an appointment for this please contact the School Immunisation Team on the details below.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact the School Immunisation Team on 0300 124 5515 or email sirona.sch-imms@nhs.net

sirona flu econsent letter to parents schools 2023.pdf