Key Stage 1 - Y1 and Y2
Each class teacher will upload a week of activities for you to do across the week. The activities will be on one document and include a selection of activities from all areas of the National curriculum. These are just for guidance. There is no pressure from us for you to complete every single one.
We recommend children in Y1 & 2 spend, each day, 15 minutes on English, 15 minutes on maths and 45 minutes on other curriculum subjects plus 15 minutes of reading and 15 minutes of exercise.
We would encourage you to email completed work or photos of your child learning to your child’s class teacher. It will be marked, and feedback or comments provided via the email address you sent the work in from. Teachers will provide feedback every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday will be used by them to prepare the work for the following week.
Please email your child’s class teacher with any queries or if you would like share any of your child’s learning. We're always on the end of an email, so please make contact with us. Everything that you do with your child will make a difference so thank you.
Yr1: Barcelona class - Mrs Jo Carobene
Paris class - Mr Nigel Ellway
Yr2: New York class - Mrs Becky Sullivan and Miss Natalie Roberts
Toronto class - Miss Katie Cree
To support your child’s learning, we’re giving you an online version of your child’s maths textbook and workbook- called Parent Guides.
To access MNP, please follow the link below and put in the access code for the relevant year group.
NB: Access is available at any time if you'd like to further support your child with their math's learning at home.
A printer isn't needed in order to complete the workbook- it can be done fully online. Please download the guide below.
A guide on how to complete the MNP workbook online
Current access codes
Year 1 Access Code: BI7JYOA
Year 2 Access Code: 4BPIKZW
Once you’re signed in, you’ll be able to access maths content for your child’s year group, along with help guides and lesson support.
If you have any trouble accessing MNP- please email your class teacher.
The lessons to complete will be posted below
Yr1 home learning
Your text here.
Yr2 home learning
Your text here.